Antibody or target protein: The antibody to a specific protein. Used in immuno-precipitation to target certain fractions of biological interest.
antibodyAntibody DescriptionTargetTarget DescriptionVendor IDLabDocumentsLotsTarget LinkLabel
FLI1_(sc-356) Rabbit polyclonal. FLI1 (C-19) is an affinity purified antibody raised against a peptide mapping at the C-terminus of FLI1 of mouse origin. Antibody Target: FLI1 FLI1 Fli1 (Friend leukemia virus integration 1) is a member of a family of genes identified on the basis of their homology to the v-Ets oncogene isolated from the E26 erythoblastosis virus. Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-356 Hardison Mouse - FLI1 (sc-356)(Western blot,Correlation)   E1211 GeneCard:FLI1 FLI1 (sc-356)