ZF_carp_phastcons_CNE Track Settings

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Assembly: Zebrafish Sep. 2014 (GRCz10/danRer10)
Data last updated at UCSC: 2018-07-20 10:01:12


These tracks display conserved non-coding elements from genomic 4-way phastcons (zebrafish, grass carp, common carp and goldfish).

Display Conventions and Configuration

This track display the conserved region in bed format.


All-to-all pairwise genomic alignment was performed using lastz (--gapped --ambiguous=n --step=3 --strand=both --masking=100 --maxwordcount=100 --identity=70..100 --format=axt), axtToChain (‘-faQ -faT -minScore=3000 -linearGap=medium) and chainNet (-minScore=5000) for four species (goldfish, common carp, grass carp, zebrafish) and transform to pairwise MAF format, split at gaps longer than 30bp (chainToAxt –maxGap=30, then axtToMaf -score). All the pairwise MAF files were transformed to multiple alignment MAF files using roast (P=multic). Phylogenetic model were fit for each chromosome, linkage group or scaffold using phyloFit (http://compgen.cshl.edu/phast/) (--tree '(ZF,(GC,(GF,CC)))' --subst-mod REV --nrate 4), which was used by phastCons for computing conserve score and regions.


These data were produced by the Developmental Genomics Section and the NIH Intramural Sequencing Center at the National Human Genome Research Institute. For questions, please email Shawn Burgess or Zelin Chen.
