Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Chen et al., Cancer Res 2007 (Neuroblastoma) : Interestingly, we found that miRNA expression levels substantially change in a MYCN amplified cell line following exposure to retinoic acid, a compound which is well known for causing reductions in MYCN expression and for inducing neuroblastoma cell lines to undergo neuronal differentiation
Bogenmann et al., Oncogene 1995 : Constitutive N-myc gene expression inhibits trkA mediated neuronal differentiation
Peverali et al., Oncogene 1996 (Neuroblastoma) : However, it has not been completely defined whether N-Myc promotes growth and/or antagonises neuronal differentiation of NB cells or whether the down regulation of N-myc occurs as a consequence of the onset of differentiation
Wakamatsu et al., Development 1997 : Regulation of the neural crest cell fate by N-myc : promotion of ventral migration and neuronal differentiation ... These findings suggested that N-myc is involved in regulation of neuronal differentiation in the neural crest cell population ... In fact, transient overexpression of N-myc in the neural crest culture by transfection resulted in a remarkable promotion of neuronal differentiation