Conflict SV Track Settings
NCBI Curated Conflict Variants

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 Overlaps between Common and Pathogenic Structural Variants in dbVar  NCBI Curated Conflict Variants   Data format 
Assembly: Human Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)


Variants from the dbVar study nstd186 (NCBI Curated Common Structural Variants) with reciprocal overlap of Pathogenic variants in nstd102 (Clinical Structural Variants). NOTE: nstd186 is a curated collection of structural variants from studies with at least 100 samples, include allele frequency data, and have an allele frequency of >=0.01 in at least one population. nstd102 is derived from structural variants in ClinVar longer than 50bp. For questions about dbVar track data, please contact dbvar.

Data Updates

This track is updated whenever either nstd186 or nstd102 is updated. nstd186 is updated whenever one of its component studies is updated. nstd102 is updated monthly following the monthly release of ClinVar.

This track contains data from the following studies:


There is only one subtrack:


This track is non-redundant with respect to placement and common variant. The label contains the ClinVar Name of the pathogenic variant with the highest reciprocal overlap range. The detail fields contain the highest reciprocal overlap range and the list of overlapping pathogenic variants.

Display Conventions and Configuration


The variant label is the dbVar variant call accession (nssv) of the variant in nstd186 (NCBI Curated Common Structural Variants).


The mouseover (displayed when the mouse is hovered over a variant) shows the following:

Detail Page

The detail page contains the following:

Variant Colors

The colors indicate variant type of the common variant, and are based on the dbVar colors described in the dbVar Overview page.


For simplicity, the BED files and tracks only contain the variants' outer-most start and stop placements. The actual variant placements may consist of exact start/stop with breakpoint resolution, inner-placements only, outer-placements-only, or some combination. For full details of variant placements, follow the links to the variant pages in dbVar.


The track can be filtered by the following:

  • Frequency Range
  • Variant Length Range
  • Range of Reciprocal Overlap with Pathogenic Variant
  • Variant Type


Counts per subtrack for each filter value:

Frequency Range

Value conflict_pathogenic
0.02 to 0.05 295
0.05 to 0.1 159
0.1 to 0.2 111
0.2 to 0.5 140
Over 0.5 94
Under 0.02 308
Total 1107

Variant Length Range

Value conflict_pathogenic
100KB to 1MB 485
10KB to 100KB 390
Over 1MB 47
Under 10KB 185
Total 1107

Range of Reciprocal Overlap with Pathogenic Variant

Value conflict_pathogenic
10 to 25 661
25 to 50 234
50 to 75 113
75 to 90 68
90 to 100 31
Total 1107

Variant Type

Value conflict_pathogenic
copy number gain 19
copy number loss 17
copy number variation 127
deletion 557
duplication 385
insertion 2
Total 1107

Data Access

Data for this track can be downloaded from the following locations:


Generating the Conflicts Track consists of the following:


See the references for these other tracks in the dbVar Hub:

  • Clinical SVs: Clinical Structural Variants in dbVar
  • Common SVs: NCBI Curated Common Structural Variants